Estnisk familjevals

Country: Sweden (?)
Type: mixer
Formation: couples in closed circle. W stands to R of partner.
Steps: vals (waltz)
Sheet music: any waltz in moderate tempo, with AABB, A=B=8 structure and moderate tempo.
Recordings: e.g. Anders Svensson et al 'Näckens vals' Bålgetingen - Låtar efter August Strömberg, Jät [YouTube]; Bröderna Lindqvist 'Svensk-Annas vals' Rätta draget [YouTube].

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-4 1 (a) Begining with outside (ML/WR) foot, all dance 4 waltz steps on the spot, turning alternately to corner-partner-corner-partner.
5-8   (b) M takes waltz hold with corner (=new partner) and dances 2 full turns with 4 waltz steps, moving in LOD. W finishes on R side of M, in closed circle.
1-4 2 (a) Repeat (1 (a)), clapping hands once each on (1:1), (2:1), (3:1) and (4:1), turning alternately to corner-partner-corner-partner.
5-8   (b) Repeat (1 (b)).
1-4 3 (a) Repeat (1 (a)), clapping hands once each on (1:1), (2:1), three times on (3) and once on (4:1) turning alternately to corner-partner-corner-partner.
5-8   (b) Repeat (1 (b))..
1-4 4 (a) Clap hands on knees (1:1), clap own hands (2:1), bump hips with corner (3:1), bump hips with partner on (4:1).
5-8   (b) Repeat (1 (b)).
    Repeat from (1 (a)) as desired.

See YouTube video with unattributed, as well as slightly different versions with Tassadansarna 2018, Tassadansarna 2020.

Provenance: unknown, likely a contemporary choreography. Not to be confused with Svensk-estnisk familjevals

Source: YouTube video.
Description: L. Ruus, Oakville, 2022-06-13.

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