
Country: Kullabygden, Luggude härad, Skåne, Sweden
Type: longways set dance (non-progressive)
Formation: even number of couples in two lines of couples facing
Steps: run
Sheet music: 'Getabockadansen' after Ola Hansson, Brunnby, or similar. Note accompanying description: 'same tune as väfva vadmal' (a polska tune).

Bars Part Dance progression
1-8 1 All form closed circle, and dance CW, 24 running steps.
1-8   In closed circle, all dance CCW, 24 running steps.
9-16 2 All W dance double-8 figure around opposite M and partner. Begin passing to L of opposite W (passing R shoulders), then CCW around opposite M, again passing to L of opposite W, and CCW around partner to return to place, 24 running steps.
9-16   All M dance double-8 figure around opposite W and partner. Begin passing to R of opposite M (passing L shoulders), then CW around opposite W, again passing to R of opposite M, and CW around partner to return to place, 24 running steps.
17-24 3 Couples take 2-hand hold and turn CW on the spot, 24 running steps.
17-24   In 2-hand hold with partner, turn CCW on the spot, 24 running steps.
    Repeat from (1) if desired.
    Song text The following was sung to part 3:

Så tröja vi nålen (naulen), så vattna vi kålen (kaulen)
och tröja nålen och wattna kålen och låtta kålen få vann.

Provenance: documented in 1865 by Nils Månsson Mandelgren based on informant former cottager Per Nilsson Alm (born 1793), Rekekroken, and musician Jöns Larsson Kjellsson (born 1795), Arild.

This was one of the combined dances at Nordlek 1994 in Linköping, Sweden.
Sources: Wallin, Börje & Sonja / Gamla danser i Skåne - engelskor. Helsingborg 1976. Also available in material prepared for Nordlek 1994.
Translation by L Ruus, Oakville 2020-08-06

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