
Country: Kullabygden, Luggude härad, Skåne, Sweden
Type: set dance
Formation: sets of 2 couples in closed circles.
Steps: hurresteg (buzz step), jigsteg (jig step), walk
Sheet music: ringdans efter Enninger aka Pileknäckaren (SvL Skåne nr 541); Pileknäckaren.
Recordings: Six Feet Back Band; musicians unspecified [YouTube].

Bars Part Dance progression
1-8 1 (a) All form closed circle, and dance CW, 16 walking steps. Ditto CCW, 16 walking steps.
9-12   (b) All drop hold and face partner. All dance 8 jig steps.
9-12   All clap on 1st beat (9:1), take closed hold with partner and turn on the spot, 8 walking steps.
13-16   All drop hold and face opposite. All dance 8 jig steps.
13-16   All clap on 1st beat (13:1), take closed hold with opposite and turn on the spot, 8 walking steps.
1-8 2 (a) M take R-in-R hold, W ditto. All circle CW, 16 walking steps. Ditto CCW with L-in-L hold, 16 walking steps.
|:9-12:||:13-16:|   (b) Repeat (1 (b)).
1-8 3 (a) Both M take R-thumb hold, and face CW. Both W hold wrist of M in CW direction, from underneath [with R hand]. All circle CW, 16 walking steps. Change to opposite hold (M take L-thumb hold, W hold with L hand), facing CCW, and circle CCW, 16 walking steps.
|:9-12:||:13-16:|   (b) Repeat (1 (b)).
1-8 4 (a) All form back basket, and dance CW, 16 buzz steps. Ditto CCW, 16 buzz steps.
    Song text
According to informant Mrs. Petronella Nilsson, Helsingborg, in Barkåkra, Bjäre Härad, this was danced to the following song:

Ja har vatt i Höja, ja har vatt i Starby,
Ja har vatt i Kälna å Grytevads krog.
Å där drack vi kaffe, å där drack vi gökar,
å där drack vi fileknippare sju.
|:E de likt nånting, e de likt nånting, min fästeman dricker sig full som ett svin:|
|:Vi har druckit sju fileknippa å där ska vi dricka sju ännu:|
[A fileknippa or pileknäckare consists of equal parts rum and madeira.]

Provenance: documented by Nils Månsson Mandelgren in 1865 based on informants Per Nilsson Alm, Rekekroken and Jöns Larsson Kjellson in Arild. Part 4 was added in conjunction with a performance at an agricultural meeting in Malmö, in 1914, but it's origin was unknown at time of writing. Possibly the origin of fyrtur från Luggude härad, from Filborna, Helsingborg, documented in: Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur / Beskrivning av svenska folkdanser, 2001 ed. pp. 160, 161, 162.

Source: Wallin, Börje & Sonja / Gamla danser i Skåne - engelskor. Helsingborg, 1976. p. 43.
Translation by L Ruus, Oakville 2020-08-05

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