
Country: Sweden
Formation: 4 couple quadrille (W carrying fans). Numbered CCW from opposite the music.

					   W3 M3
					M4       W2
					W4       M2
					   M1 W1

Type: set dance
Steps: Music:

Bars Sequence Dance progression
  Intro All rest.
1-8 1 All curtsey/bow to opposite (1-2), curtsey/bow to partner (3-4), and curtsey/bow to corner, ie M1 to W4, M2 to W1, M3 to W2 and M4 to W3 (5-6). Rest in position (7-8)
9-16   M1 and W3 [the dancing couple] dance approche steps towards each other beginning with R foot, and retire with a backwards approche step beginning on L foot (9-12). The same two dancers dance with walking steps towards each ochter, take R hand in R hand, turn a half-tirn CW, drop hands and return to place (13-16).
17-24   Coouples 1 and 3, holding inside hands, all beginning with R foot, cross to the opposite place, couple 3 passing through couple 1 which opens. Couples 1 and 3 turn turn a half turn CW and cross to original place, couple 3 again passing through couple 1.
Note: that the couple containing the W who danced bars 9-16, always passes through the opposing couple.
1-8   All couples curtsey/bow to corner (1-2), to partner (3-4). All couples take R-hand in R-hand with partner, turn CW on the spot and return to original position.
9-24, 1-8   M2 and W4 repeat sequence 1 as the dancing couple
9-24, 1-8   M3 and W1 repeat sequence 1 as the dancing couple
9-24, 1-8   M4 and W2 repeat sequence 1 as the dancing couple.
The dance masterr signals to the music that the sequence is finished with a clap on [the last beat of] bar 8.
25-40 2 Couple 1 dances, beginning with R foot, approche steps towards couple 3 (25-26), retire with backwards approche steps (27-28),
Couple 1 dances forward with a two-step (R L R) (29). With two walking steps, M1 places W1 in front of and facing himself, diagonally across the centre of the set, such that M1 has W2 to his R and somewhat behind, while W1 has W4 to her R and somewhat behind [ie M1 is facing between W3 and M4, and W1 is facing between M2 and her original place.] (30). M1 and W1 curtsey/bow to partner (31-32).
M1 and W1 now dance chassé-croisé, first to the R, and then to the L (33-36), take a 2-hand hold with partner, and turn 1-1/4 turn CW (37-39) with walking steps beginning with R foot, and separate such that W1 finishes beside M2, and M1 finishes beside W4; meanwhile couple 3 separates, and W3 stands beside M4 and M3 beside W2 (40).
					W3       M3
					M4       W2
					W4       M2
					M1       W1
41-48   The two lines, holding hands in their lines, dance approche steps forward, beginning with R foot (41-42), and backwards beginning with L foot (43-44). Again dance forward with approche steps beginning with R foot (45-46).
Each couple takes 2-hand hold with partner, and with walking steps beginning with R foot, turn CW to return to original place (47-48).
25-48   Couple 2 repeats sequence 2 as the dancing couple. By bar 30, M2 has W3 to his R and somewhat behind. The lines, formed by bar 40, are perpendicular to those above.
					M4 W3 M3 W2
 					W4 M1 W1 M2
25-48   Couple 3 repeats sequence 2 as the dancing couple. By bar 30, M3 has W4 to his R and somewhat behind. The lines, formed by bar 40, are as above.
25-48   Couple 4 repeats sequence 2 as the dancing couple. By bar 30, M4 has W1 to his R and somewhat behind. The lines, formed by bar 40, are perpendicular to those above.
The dance masterr signals to the music that the sequence is finished with a clap on [the last beat of] bar 48.
49-56 3 (a) W3 dances figuré vis-a-vis M1: W1 dances a dip-step beginning with R foot, forward and to her R (49), closes L to R and pauses (50), subsequently moving forwards and to the L past her partner with her back to him, with a dip-step beginning with the L foor (51) and closes R to L foot (52). Simultaeoudly M1 dances forwards and to his L with a dip-steps (51-52).
M 1 and W3, dance another dip-step moving to the R, beginning with R foot, and approaching each other (53), and do a light curtsey/bow to each other (54)
Finally both retire with backwards dip-steps to original partner (55-56), W beginning with R foot, M beginning with L foot.
57-64 (b) All 4 W begin with R foot and dance dip-steps alternating R and L foot, moving forwards and to the L, for just a moment lightly grasp R hands with just the fingertips, forming a star (57-58), and drop hands while giving L hand to opposite M, who take L hand in L and R hand on W's waist (courtesy hold), turns her CCW on the spot with two dip-steps (beginning with R, then L foot)(59-60). All 4 W return to partner in the same way (61-62, 63-64).
49-64   M2 and W4 repeat sequence 3 as the dancing couple
49-64   M3 and W1 repeat sequence 3 as the dancing couple
49-64   M4 and W2 repeat sequence 3 as the dancing couple
The dance master signals to the music that the sequence is finished with a clap on [the last beat of] bar 64.
65-76 4
Couple 1, holding inside hands, begin with R foot and dance with walking step towards couple 2 (65-66), and both couples do a curtsey/bow. Couple 1, with walking steps beginning with R foot, turns a one-helf turn CCW, and dances toward couple 4. (69-70), and both couples curtsey/bow. M1 and M4 drop hands with partners, and dance figuré for opposite W, with a chassé-crosé behind own partner, first to the R (73-74) and then to the L (75-76); meanwhile W1 and W4, in front of and with back to own partner, dance chassé-crosé to L (73-74) and to the R (75-76) face-to-face with opposite M. R foot
77-88   M1 and M4 turn CW, and W1 and W4 turn CCW, and both couples take 2-hand hold and walk, beginning with R foot, CW around the set to return to place (77-80).
W1 and W3 dance with dip-steps as in (3 b) across to opposite M (81-82), are turned as in (3 b) (83-84), and return to own partner the same way (85-88).
65-88   Couple 2 repeats sequence 4 as the dancing couple, visiting couple 3 followed by couple 1.
65-88   Couple 3 repeats sequence 4 as the dancing couple, visiting couple 4 followed by couple 2.
65-88   Couple 4 repeats sequence 4 as the dancing couple, visiting couple 1 followed by couple 3.
The dance masterr signals to the music that the sequence is finished with a clap on [the last beat of] bar 88.
89-104 5 (a) All take L-hand with partner, and dance L-hand chain with polka-lift steps beginning with R foot, M moving CCW and W moving CW (89-92). When M meets his partner the first time, half-way around the set, they do not take hands, but instead dance a couple of small steps on the spot (93-94), and curtsey/bow (95-96). The chain continues as before back to place, where hands are again not taken but each couple curtsey/bow to partner (97-104).
105-112 (b) All couples take side-cross hold position. Couple 1 dances with 4 polka-lift steps beginning with R foot, in an arc inside the set passing infront of couples 2, 3, and 4, and return to place facing out of the set (105-108). Couple 2 dances with 2 polks-lift steps and finishes behind couple 1 (109-110), followed by couple 4 which finishes behind couple 2 and infront of couple 3 (111-112). Ie all couples are now in a line behind each other, and all facing in the same direction as couple 3.
89-112 (c) All M now dance chassé-croissé crossing behind own partner, while all W dance chassé-croissé to their left (89-90), while maintaining the lines. All dance two balancé-steps towards partner, and then away from each other (91-92).
All dance a chassé-croissé, M to the L and W to the R, with W again passing in front, to return to original lines, approximately 2 short steps apart (93-94), followed by 2 balancé-steps, first away from partner, and then towards partner (95-96).
All promenade, beginning with R foot, forward to couple 1's position, M turn L and W turn R, proceed down outside the lines to couple 3's position, aagain M turn L and W turn R and return inside the lines to return to original lines (97-104), finishing facing and about 3 steps from opposite line. Both lines hold hands, and dance an approche-step towards opposite line beginning with R foot, one approch-step backwards away from opposite line beginning with L foot, and a third approche step towards opposite line (105-110). Each couple takes 2-hand hold and with walking steps beginning with R foot, turn as a couple to return to original place (111-112).
|:89-112:|   Couple 2 repeats sequence 5 as the dancing couple. In (5b), couple 2 begins, followed by couples 3 and 1, and all finish facing in the same direction as couple 4.
|:89-112:|   Couple 3 repeats sequence 5 as the dancing couple. In (5b), couple 3 begins, followed by couples 4 and 2, and all finish facing in the same direction as couple 1.
|:89-112:|   Couple 4 repeats sequence 5 as the dancing couple. In (5b), couple 4 begins, followed by couples 1 and 2, and all finish facing in the same direction as couple 2.
89-112   All dance chain as in (5a) (89-104). All curtsey/bow to opposite (105-106), to own partner (107-108), to corner (109-110), and take original positions (111-112).

Source: Lindblom, Knut "Lancierkadrilj", pp 115-119 in: Karlson, Gustaf (red.) Svenska folkdanser och sällskapsdanser. Stockholm: Svenska Undomsringen för Bygdekultur, 1944.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville ON, 2015-08-02, rev. 2015-08-06

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