Country: Bingsjö, Dalarna, Sweden
Type: couple dance,
Steps: described below
Sheet music:
polska from Bingsjö, eg Stamppolska efter Hjort Anders Olsson, played with equal emphasis on all 3 beats.
Du spelman - folkmusik hemma hos track B6;
Forsmark III Laddade låtar track A4, A5;
Hans, Pers Kalle Almlöf, & Björn Ståbi Tre spelmän track A2;
Klintetten Amerikanar'n track 06, 22 [YouTube];
Klintetten stamppolskan frå Bingsjö on 2010 [YouTube];
Låtar till svenska bygdedanser vol 1 track B1, B2;
Olsson, Hjort Anders Låtar från Bingsjö tracks A1-A4, A6, B1-B3, B5-B8;
Påhl Olle Dyrsmeds solo och i par med Göras Anders Persson... A8, A9, B8;
Röjås Jonas et al Lekar för glada fötter track B1;
Rombo Spelmän O dôssô Rättvikslåtar track B6;
Skansens Spelmanslag Dalabröllop track B2, B7;
Spelmännen: i ett urval... track B11;
Ståbi, Björn & Ole Hjorth Folk fiddling from Sweden track A7.
Holds | Introductory promenade: M has R arm around partner's waist. W holds partner's upper arm from underneath with L hand. ML/WR hands are joined, M's L hand palm down around partner's R hand. Less frequently, outside arms hanging.
Polska turn: polska hold, with M's L hand high up on partner's upper R arm. |
Steps | |
Promenade | M dances L promenade step: L (1:1), pause (1:2), R (1:3).
W dances R promenade step: R (1:1), pause (1:2), L (1:3). |
Polska turn |
[M transition into turning step: L foot forward while pivoting 1/2 turn CW on R foot to finish in front of W with back to LOD (1:1),
continue turning on L foot while stepping
onto R foot about one foot length from L heel (1:2), turn on R heel and L foot (1:&), a light stamp with R foot (1:3).]
W transition into turning step: R foot between M's feet (1:2), L foot a rather long step (1:3). M polska step: L foot forward (1:1), turn on L foot when R foot is lifted (1:&), continue turning on L foot while stepping onto R foot about one foot length from L heel (1:2), turn on R heel and L foot (1:&), a light stamp with R foot (1:3). L heel does not touch the floor during the turn on (1:&-3). Continue turn on R foot and lifting L foot (1:3-&), etc. W polska step: close R toes to L instep (1:1), R foot between partner's feet (1:2), L foot a rather long step (1:3), etc. |
Notes | Polska turn is CW, moving CCW around the floor.
The polska is danced evenly and smoothly, in keeping with the character of the music. |
Dance progression | After a few introductory promenade steps, couple dances turning polska, with breaks for additional promenade steps as and when desired. |
See YouTube videos with [for Nordlek 2018]; Tommy & Ewa Englund; Polskafötter; Hörkens Bygde Dansare; Kalle Strandel; & Lisbeth Öberg.
This was one of the combined dances at Nordlek 2018 in Falun.
material prepared for Nordlek 2018,
including Swedish language description,
sheet music,
mp3 file, and video.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2017-10-12, rev. 2021-07-01.
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