
Country: Bohuslän, Sweden
Type: couple dance
Formation: any number of couples in open circle facing partner, M facing out of circle, W facing in.
Steps: schottis, sidsteg (side-step), step-hop
Music: Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur Musik till svenska folkdanser Stockholm: SUB, 1964. p. 60.
Recordings: Danslåtar från Bohuslän 1; Spillemandslauget Østjyderne Nordiska legestuemelodier track 11; Sånglekar på Nääs

Bars Part Dance progression
1-4 (a) Starting with outside (ML/WR) foot, dance 4 side-steps moving in LOD, while counting 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8. On final beat (4:2), all a small stamp.
1-4   Repeat (a) in RLOD, with opposite footwork.
|:1-4:|   Repeat (a).
5-6 (b) Starting with outside (ML/WR) foot, dance 1 schottis step moving in LOD facing partner, then 1 schottis step back to back with partner. M turns CCW (over L shoulder) while W turns CW (over R shoulder) on (5:2).
7-8   All dance 2 schottis steps moving in RLOD, first back to back with partner, then facing partner. M turns CW (over R shoulder) while W turns CCW (over L shoulder) on (7:2).
5-8   All take waltz hold with partner, and turn with step-hops [or polka steps], moving in LOD.
    Repeat from (a) as desired.

See YouTube video.

Provenance: a schottis variation danced in Hunnebostrand fishing village in central Bohuslän up into the beginning of the 1900s, according to Oskar Svensson, born 1840 in Gideröd, Askum parish, Bohuslän. The music was transcribed by O. Svensson based on a recording for Mrs. Nordstrand, Hunnebostrand.

Printed source: Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur Beskrivning av svenska folkdanser 2001 ed. pp. 88- 89.
See also description on Acla porten [in Swedish]
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-07-30, rev. 2020-09-29.

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