Rama från Hogdal-Lommeland

Country: Bohuslän, Sweden
Type: couple dance
Formation: open circle of couples, waltz hold.
Steps: galopp, polka
Music: sheet music
Recordings: Jan Anders Andersson

Bars Part Dance progression:
|:1-8:| (a) Couples dance polka, turning CW or CCW, moving in LOD. 16 polka steps.
|:9-16:| (b) M turns L side to centre of floor, and couple dances 8 galopp steps across the floor (9-16). Without turning, couple dances 8 galopp steps back across the floor (9-16).
    Repeat from (a) as desired.

See YouTube video.

Note: this is one of the combined dances at Nordlek 1982 in Göteborg.

Source: translated from a description prepared for Nordlek 1982.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-07-26.

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