Slängpolska från Medelplana

Country: Västergötland, Sweden
Type: set dance
Formation: sets of 2 couples in closed circles.
Steps: 'dubbelpolkett' - described as a flat-footed running waltz step without dip or lift, ie danced with the whole sole of the foot to the floor.
Sheet music: Welin, Berit Toner från Linderödsåen Linderöd: Linderöds Spelmanslag, 1988

    Dance progression
|:1-8:| (a) In closed circles, all turn CW 8 dubbelpolkett steps (1-8), then turning CCW, 8 dubbelpolkett steps (1-8).
|:9-16:| (b) Both M take 2-hand hold, ditto the two W. All turn CW 8 dubbelpolkett steps, then CCW 8 dubbelpolkett steps.
|:1-8:| (c) All take shoulder hold. All turn CW 8 dubbelpolkett steps, then CCW 8 dubbelpolkett steps.
|:9-16:| (d) All take 2-hand hold with partner. All turn CW 8 dubbelpolkett steps, then CCW 8 dubbelpolkett steps.
    Repeat from (a) as desired.
Note: this is danced 'on the spot' throughout, not moving in LOD or RLOD around the floor.

See YouTube video (at 11:10).

This was one of the combined dances at Nordlek 1988 in Bergen.
Source: Swedish description prepared for Nordlek 1988. Also available on the Acla portal.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2020-07-28.

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