Den firkantede sløjfe, Jylland, Firkantet sløjfe, Læsø, Firkantet sløjfe, Thy, Sløjfen, Hardsyssel, Sløjfen, Vesteregnen

Country: Denmark
Formation: set dance
Formation: 4 couple quadrille

    Den firkantede sløjfe, Jylland
Steps: hopsa, hurretrin (buzz-step), løbetrin (run)
Sheet music:
(1) Christiansen, Poul/ 14 danske danse : beskrivelser og musikbånd til undervisningsbrug. [Roskilde]: Amtscentralen i Roskilde, 1985. p. 26.
(2) 'den firkantede sløjfe fra Læsø' 358:567,
(3) Den firkantede sløjfe, Himmerland ,
(4) Den firkantede sløjfe, after Børge Christensen & Th. Knudsen
Recordings: Bugge, Kristian 'Den firkantede sløjfe, after Evald Thomsen, Himmerland' Dæily June tune #25 [YouTube]; Christensen, Hans Jørgen Danmarks rigsspillemænds festkoncert 2015 [YouTube]; Dronningens Livstykke Traditional 1976-1984 track 16; Køge Spillemandsforening Fredagsbal 2 track 06; Rebild Spillemændene Himmerlandsbal track A6; Skalmeje Sving om track A4; Scandinavian String Alliance [YouTube] (at 2:55); Thomsen, Evald Chanteurs et ménétriers track 02 [YouTube]; Thomsen, Evald & Jens Lassen Chanteurs et ménétriers track 20 [YouTube]; Thomsen, Evald Lydbilleder tracks 8 & 10; Thomsen, Evald & Hardy Stegt flæsk og kartoffler track 14; V. Poulsens Kapel Old school track 14 [YouTube].
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 (a) One-hand star: All in open waist-shoulder hold and ML-hand star, circle CCW, 16 running steps.
1-8   Without stopping, M and W switch places. M drop star hold, and helps partner move in front and into centre. W turn once round CCW to finish on partner's L side, form L-hand star and R arm around partner's waist. Continue circling CCW, 16 running steps.
Note: the star must not stop as partners switch places, although the M need to hold back a bit to allow the W to pass.
|:9-16:| (b) Chain: All dance R-hand chain to second meeting with partner. 16 slow walking steps with lift.
|:17-24:| (c) Hopsa: All couples take waltz hold and and dance hopsa once round the set, 16 hopsa steps.
    [Repeat from (a) as desired.]

See videos from/with Dansk Folkemindesamling (NB only star & chain parts). Danish performance at Nordlek 1994; Jensen & Bugge 2016; Jysk Danseorkester 2018 (at 3:08); Køge Spillemændene 2019; Herlev Gamle Danse 2023 (NB only star & chain parts).

Source: Christiansen, Poul/ 14 danske danse : beskrivelser og musikbånd til undervisningsbrug. Tekst: Poul Christiansen ; musik: Rejseorkestret. [Roskilde]: Amtscentralen i Roskilde, 1985. pp. 26-27.

    Firkantet sløjfe, Læsø
Steps: hurretrin (buzz-step), løbetrin (run)
Sheet music:
(1) 'den firkantede sløjfe fra Læsø' 358:567,
(2) Den firkantede sløjfe, Himmerland ,
(3) Den firkantede sløjfe, after Børge Christensen & Th. Knudsen
Recordings: Bugge, Kristian 'Den firkantede sløjfe, after Evald Thomsen, Himmerland' Dæily June tune #25 [YouTube]; Christensen, Hans Jørgen Danmarks rigsspillemænds festkoncert 2015 [YouTube]; Dronningens Livstykke Traditional 1976-1984 track 16; Køge Spillemandsforening Fredagsbal 2 track 06; Rebild Spillemændene Himmerlandsbal track A6; Skalmeje Sving om track A4; Scandinavian String Alliance [YouTube] (at 2:55); Thomsen, Evald Lydbilleder tracks 8 & 10; Thomsen, Evald & Hardy Stegt flæsk og kartoffler track 14; V. Poulsens Kapel Old school track 14 [YouTube].
Bars Sequence Dance progression:
1-8 1 (a) One-hand star: All in open waist-shoulder hold and ML-hand star, dance CCW once around the set, 16 running steps.
9-16   Without stopping, M and W switch places. M drop star hold, and helps partner move in front and into centre. Women turn CCW to ML side, and form L-hand star in open waist-shoulder hold with partner. Continue dancing CCW, 16 running steps.
|:17-24:|   (b) Chain: W drop hold, turn 1/2 turn CW (to the R) to face partner. All dance R-hand chain, once around the set. 32 running steps.
|:25-32:|   (c) Swing: All couples take waltz hold and swing partner on the spot, 16 buzz steps.
    Parts (a) and (b) are the same in all sequences.
|:25-32:| 2 (c) Swing: All couples take waltz hold and swing partner on the spot, 16 buzz steps.
|:25-32:| 3 (c) Swing: All couples take waltz hold and swing partner on the spot, 16 buzz steps.
|:25-32:| 4 (c) W R-hand star: All W form R-hand star and circle with 16 buzz steps.
|:25-32:| 5 (c) M R-hand star: All M form R-hand star and circle with 16 buzz steps.
|:25-32:| 6 (c) W 2-hand star: All W form 2-hand star and circle with 16 buzz steps.
|:25-32:| 7 (c) M 2-hand star: All M form 2-hand star and circle with 16 buzz steps.
|:25-32:| 8 (c) W circle: All W form closed circle and circle with 16 buzz steps.
|:25-32:| 9 (c) M circle: All M form closed circle and circle with 16 buzz steps.
|:25-32:| 10 (c) All circle: All couples form closed circle and circle with 16 buzz steps.
|:25-32:| 11 (c) Swing: The dance finishes with swing partner on the spot, 16 buzz steps.

See videos from/with Tjavsmose Trio 2019; Folkets Hus Spillefolk 2011; Roskilde Spillemandslaug 2011

Source: Sørensen, Pia & Per/ I: 55 gamle folkedanse fra forskellige egne. Samlet og bearbejdet af Pia & Per Sørensen. 5:e opl. Kolding: Pia & Per Sørensen, 2003, p. 56.
Note: [from verso of front cover] There is no copyright on these old descriptions, they belong to everyone who enjoys dance and music. Therefore photocopying of limited portions is permitted as long as the source is acknowledged.

    Firkantet sløjfe, Thy
Steps: 'hinketrin' (hop on R, lifting L foot above the floor), totrin (pivot step), løbetrin (run)
Sheet music:
(1) 358:605
(2) Hamborg, Svend Beskrivelser og noder til Thydanse I. [Thisted] : Thy Spillemandslaug, 1981. p. 25.
(3) Jacobsen, Jack & Gitte Thofte/ Thybal - en spillemandsbog. s.l.:Folkekulturværkstedet Broby gamle skole, 2008. p. 119.
Recordings: Bjerg, Svend 'sløjfe pt. 1' Fjand track 02 [YouTube]; Bjerg, Svend 'sløjfe pt. 2' Fjand track 14 [YouTube]; Gade, Viggo Rundt om Viggo Gade track B1; Skårup, Jens et al Thybal track 16; Skaarup, Karl Harmonikamusik fra Thy track 16 [YouTube];
Bars Sequence Dance progression:
1-16 1 (a) Circle: All form closed circle and circle CW, 16 running steps. Ditto CCW, 16 running steps.
1-16   (b) One-hand star: M form L-hand star, with R arm around partner's waist, W has L arm on partner's shoulder. Circle CW with 16 running steps. Ditto CCW [backwards?], 16 running steps. [Jacobsen also descibes this as running forwards (CCW) in ML-hand star, then backwards (CW) still in ML-hand star.]
|:17-24:|   (c) Chain: All dance R-hand chain, 16 slightly hopping walking steps.
|:25-32:|   (d) Swing: All couples take waltz hold and swing partner on the spot, 16 buzz steps.
    Parts (b), (c) and (d) are the same in all sequences.
1-16 2 (a) Swing: All couples [take waltz or polska hold and ] swing partner on the spot, 16 running steps CW and CCW (or pivot steps, or hinketrin).
1-16 3 (a) Swing: All couples [take waltz or polska hold and] swing partner on the spot, 16 running steps CW and CCW (or pivot steps, or hinketrin).
1-16 4 (a) One-hand star: All form R-hand star and circle CW, 16 running steps. Ditto CCW in L-hand star, 16 running steps.
1-16 5 (a) Two-hand star: All form front basket and circle CW, 16 running steps. Ditto CCW, 16 running steps.
1-16 6 (a) Back basket: All form back basket and circle CW, 16 running steps. Ditto CCW, 16 running steps.
1-16 7 (a) All form closed circle and circle CW, 16 running steps. Ditto CCW, 16 running steps.
1-16   Swing: The dance finishes with swing partner as in (2 (a)).

See videos from/with Brøndby Spillemandslaug og Dansere, 2009

Source: Hamborg, Svend/ Beskrivelser og noder til Thydanse I. [Thisted] : Thy Spillemandslaug, 1981. p. 15.
See also:
-- Jacobsen, Jack & Gitte Thofte/ Thybal - en spillemandsbog. s.l.:Folkekulturværkstedet Broby gamle skole, 2008. pp. 117, 119.

    Sløjfen, Hardsyssel
Formation: 4 couples in a L-hand star, M on the inside with R arm around partner's waist. W has L hand on M's R shoulder.
Steps: hoptrin (step-hop), hopsa, løbetrin (run)
Sheet music:
(1) 358:605
(2) Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Hardsyssel. 2:a opl. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1998, p. 27.
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 (a) One-hand star: Star moves CCW, one full rotation, 16 small running steps.
9-16   Without stopping, M and W switch places. M drop star hold, and help partners move in front and into centre. Women take L-hand star. M place L arms around partner's waist, and W puts R hand on M's L shoulder. Continue running once round the circle CCW with 16 small running steps.
1-16 (b) Chain: All dance R-hand chain once round the set. 16 step-hops.
|:17-24:| (c) Hopsa: Couples with waltz hold, CCW around the set, 16 hopsa steps.
[Repeat from (a) as desired.]

Source: Foreningen til Folkedansens Fremme (FFF)/ Gamle danse fra Hardsyssel. 2:a opl. København: Foreningen til Folkdansens Fremme, 1998, pp. 27-28.

    Sløjfen, Vesteregnen
Formation: 4 couples in a L-hand star, M on the inside with R arm around partner's waist. W has L hand on M's R shoulder.
Steps: hoptrin (step-hop), hopsa, løbetrin (run)
Sheet music:
(1) 358:645; efter Otto Jørgensen, Oksbøl
(2) Nielsen, Bent Chr. et al/ Vesteregnens gamle danse. s.l.: Skjern-Egvad Museumsforening, 1982 p.36.
Recordings: Holstebro Folkedanserforening Folkedans med Arne Bech track 12.
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-4 (a) One-hand star: Star moves CCW, one full rotation, 16 small running steps.
1-4   Without stopping, M and W switch places. M drop star hold, and help partners move in front and into centre. Women take L-hand star. M place L arms around partner's waist, and W puts R hand on M's L shoulder. Continue running once round the circle CCW with 16 small running steps.
5-8 (b) Chain: W drop star hand hold, turn 1/2 turn CW (to the R to face partner) give R hand to partner, and all chain to first meeting with own partner. M start with L and W with R foot. 8 step-hops.
5-8 (c) Hopsa: Couples with waltz hold, CCW in the circle, to original place, 8 hopsa steps.
[Repeat from (a) as desired.]

Note: Normally followed by Skift så.

See video from/with 'firkantet sløjfe & skift så' - Ramsø Spillemandslaug 2015

Source: Nielsen, Bent Chr. et al/ Vesteregnens gamle danse. s.l.: Skjern-Egvad Museumsforening, 1982 p.36

Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2011-12-12, rev. 2023-08-17.

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