Ritsj ratsj, Drevja, Nordland & Troms
Type: mixer Formation: closed circle of dancers facing CW "as many as may" (NB not necessarily couples). Some W form a smaller, closed or open inner circle facing CCW. Steps: hopsteg (step-hop , with 1 'svikt' (dip & lift), gåsteg (walk, with a 'svikt' on 1:2, 2:2 etc), figurersteg med eitt trin (kick step)) Sheet music: Bakka, Egil, Dag Vårdal & Tormod Lunde/ Dansetradisjonar frå Nordland og Troms. Trondheim: Rådet for folkemusik og folkedans (Rff), 1984. p.104. Recordings: Arnsteins & Hans Rotmo 'Ritsj, ratsj fillebom bom bom' Selbunissens Jul: et musikalsk juleeventyr av Hans Rotmo (2006 Musikkoperatørene) [YouTube]; Sandefjord Jentekor De morsomste og mest kjente julesangene (2013 Smith & Co. Sound B.V.) [YouTube]; Sandefjord Pikekor, Ski Guttekor, Ingjerd Helén Barnas Jul Julesanger (2013 Bahama) [YouTube]; Odin3ful [instrumental version] [YouTube]. [unattributed instrumental version] [YouTube]. |
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
1-8 | (a) | 2 circles: Inner circle [W] circles CCW with step-hops, or, if an open inner circle, walking steps. |
9-16 | (b) | Progression: Dancers in inner circle, hands on hips, each approach a new partner [M]in outer circle who steps somewhat forward. Both swing hips and sway upper body side to side in time to the music - new partner mirrors action. |
17-24 | (c) | Figuré: Facing new partner, hands at waist. Couples dance step-kicks (note, kick is more of astep forward with
free foot, with or without some weight transfer).
At the repeat of the music, those who started in the inner circle [W], now find a place in the outer circle, while their partners [M] form now dance as the new inner circle [ie roles of inner and outer circle are reversed]. [Repeat from (a) as desired.] Lyrics:
Si meg hvor slaget står, jeg kommer for å hjelpe deg,
Source: Bakka, Egil, Dag Vårdal & Tormod Lunde/ Dansetradisjonar frå Nordland og Troms. Trondheim: Rådet for folkemusik og folkedans (Rff), 1984. pp. 104-105. |
Risj rasj, Alta, Finnmark
Type: couple dance Formation: open circle of couples "as many as may", Norwegian waltz hold, M with back almost to centre of circle, W facing in, turned somewhat in LOD. Steps: sidesteg II (side step, with a strong step on the 1st step, and a light step on the close), gåsteg I (walk, with a 'svikt' on 1:2, 2:2 etc) Sheet music: Bakka, Egil & Arne Wikan/ Dansetradisjonar frå Finnmark. s.l.: Finnmark Ungdomslag, Rådet for folkemusik og folkedans (Rff), 1996. pp. 160-161. Recordings: Odin3ful [instrumental version] [YouTube]. [unattributed instrumental version] [YouTube]. |
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
1-8 | (a) | Elbow-hook turn: Beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, couples, in waltz hold, dance [8] sidesteps moving CCW around the circle. |
9-16 | (b) | Promenade: Couples drop hold with outside (ML/WR) hands [sic], and turn to face LOD. Both partners life L arm, elbow at shoulder height, and walk in LOD, while waving with the hand each is holding up [sic]. [16] walking steps. |
17-24 | (c) | X-hand hold: Couples take front crossed hold with partner, R-in-R hands above. They move hands arms back and forth
in time to the music such that alternately one partner or the other has their own wrists crossed.
[Repeat from (a) as desired.] Lyrics:
Provenance: Documented based on films by Rådet for folkemusik og folkedans (Rff) in Alta in July 1978, and especially that in Neiden in October 1983. Source: Bakka, Egil & Arne Wikan/ Dansetradisjonar frå Finnmark. s.l.: Finnmark Ungdomslag, Rådet for folkemusik og folkedans (Rff), 1996. pp. 160-162. |
Ritsj ratsj, Lebesby, Finnmark
Type: set dance Formation: Longways non-progressive set for "as many as may", M to R, W to L as seen from the front. Some distance between the lines, more between couples. Steps: hopsteg (step-hop , with 1 'svikt' (dip & lift)), sluttsteg (close) Sheet music: Bakka, Egil & Arne Wikan/ Dansetradisjonar frå Finnmark. s.l.: Finnmark Ungdomslag, Rådet for folkemusik og folkedans (Rff), 1996. p.162. Recordings: Grønsund, Kari-Ann 'Ritsj ratsj filibom-bom-bom' Barna synger 4 (2006 Egmont Serieforlag AS) [YouTube]; Ryen, Sidsel 'Ritsj, ratsj fille bom bom' Barnesanger - de viktige barnesangene 2 (2006 Familieforlaget AS) [YouTube]; Ryen, Sidsel 'Ritsj, ratsj fille bom bom' Barnesanger - de 30 mest kjente barnesangene (1997 Familieforlaget AS) [YouTube]; Strays Barnekor Barnesangskatten (2008 Egmont Serieforlag AS) [YouTube]; Strays Barnekor Våre beste barnesanger 4 (1998 Egmont Serieforlag AS) [YouTube]; Odin3ful [instrumental version] [YouTube]. [unattributed instrumental version] [YouTube]. |
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
1-8 | (a) | Elbow-hook turn: Couples take R-elbow hook hold with partner and turn 1-1/2 times round CW (1-4), [16] step-hops. Ditto, clapping hands on 1st beat, turn 1-1/2 times round CCW in L elbow hook hold (5-8), [16] step-hops. |
9-16 | (b) | Advance & retire: Facing partner, M with arms folded on chest, W with hands at waist, fingers forward [and thumbs back].
M dance forward, W dance backward (9-12), so that the lines approach each other [sic]. 8 step-hops.
M dance backward, W dance forward (13-16), so that dancers return to place. 6 step-hops, followed by a close. |
17-24 | (c) | Elbow-hook turn: Couples take R-elbow hook hold with partner and turn CW (17-20), [8] step-hops.
Ditto CCW in L elbow hook hold (21-24), [8] step-hops.
[Repeat from (a) as desired.] Lyrics:
Provenance: Documented based on a film by Rådet for folkemusik og folkedans (Rff) in Lebesby in 1981, after a preliminary trip in the fall of 1980 during which locals were encouraged to remember and refresh dances from the past. Source: Bakka, Egil & Arne Wikan/ Dansetradisjonar frå Finnmark. s.l.: Finnmark Ungdomslag, Rådet for folkemusik og folkedans (Rff), 1996. pp. 162-163. |
Variants occur throughout many of the Nordic countries, including:
Ruder es aka rits rats [Denmark],
'klip klap' [Faroe Islands],
ruutuässä [Finland],
klappdans [Iceland],
'ritsj ratsj' aka 'Fru Cederstrøm' [Norway], and
'ritsch ratsch' aka 'Fru Söderström' [Sweden].
[Urup, et al, pp. 262-263.]
See also:
-- Urup, Henning, Henry Sjöberg, Egil Bakka (eds.)/ Gammaldans i Norden. Rapport frå forskningsprosjektet.
Komparativ analyse av ein folkeleg dansegenre i utvalde nordiske lokalsamfunn. Oslo: Nordisk forening for folkedansforskning, 1988. pp. 262-263.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2023-08-22.
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