Varsovienne & Varsovienne från Arbrå

Country: Sweden
Type: couple dance

Formation: couples in open circle, open waist-shoulder hold, W on partner's R side, facing in LOD.
Steps: fryksdalssteg, springsteg (run), vals (waltz)
Sheet music:
(1) Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur/ Musik till svenska folkdanser. Del I.. 2:a uppl. Stockholm: Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur, [1975]. p.73.;
(2) Svenska Undomsringen för Bygdekultur/ Musik till gillesdanser i Norden - fiol. [Stockholm: Svenska Undomsringen för Bygdekultur], 1970. p. 18.;
(3) varsovienne
[Same tune used in Finland, Norway, Sweden and parts of Denmark.]
Recordings: Folk Dance Orchestra, Victor Olof Scandinavian Dances 1939 [Internet Archive]; Folkcraft International Orchestra 'Swedish varsovienne' [Internet Archive]; Gunnar Hahns Folkdansorkester Nordiska danser track 08; Michael Herman's Folk Orchestra [Internet Archive]; National Folk Dance Players European national dances 'Varsovienne' [YouTube]
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-2 (a) 'Promenade': Beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, M swings partner over to his L side (1), where he receives her in his L arm around her waist, 3 small running steps.
Both finish with outside (MR/WL) heel to floor, toes pointing up (2:1).
3-4   Repeat with opposite footwork to swing partner to M's R side, as above.
5-8   Repeat (a).
9-12 (b) Fryksdalssteg: Beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, couples dance 2 fryksdalssteg forward in LOD (9-10), followed by M swinging partner over to his L side [ie repeat of bars 1-2] (11-12).
13-16   [Beginning with outside (MR/WL) foot,] couples dance 2 fryksdalssteg forward in LOD (13-14), followed by M swinging partner over to his R side [ie repeat of bars 3-4] (15-16).
17-32 (c) Waltz: Couples take waltz hold and dance turning waltz steps [moving in LOD]]..
    Repeat from (a) as desired.
In some parts of the country, parts (a) and (b) have been danced with M somewhat behind and to L of this partner, both facing in LOD, and holding L-in-L and R-in-R in shoulder height. M and W change places by W dancing sideways under M's raised arms. [SUB/ Beskrivning av gillesdanser i Norden p.58.]

|:Flicka lilla säg, vill du gifta dig?:|
|"Ja, det vill jag visst, ja, det vill jag visst, men inte med dig.:|
Tra la la etc.

See video from/with [unattributed] 2018

Source: Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur/ Samkväms och gillesdanser. Stockholm: Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur, 1965. pp. 48-49.
See also:
-- Svenska Undomsringen för Bygdekultur/ Beskrivning av gillesdanser i Norden. [Stockholm]: Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur, 1970. pp. 57-58.
-- Acla Varsovienne

    Varsovienne från Arbrå, Hälsingland
Formation: couples in open circle, open waist-shoulder hold, W on partner's R side free hands hanging, facing in LOD.
Steps: fryksdalssteg, sidsteg (side-step), springsteg (run), gammalvals ('old time' waltz), polska från Arbrå
Sheet music:
(1) Norman, Ingvar/ Musik till svenska folkdanser del II.. [Stockholm]: Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur, 1971. p. 71.
(2) Danser från Hälsingland - Låtar till...[appendix] nr. 8 . s.l.: Hälsinglands Distrikt av Svenska Ungdomsringen, 2002. [p.49]. A variant of varsovienne
Recordings: Jonssonlinjen Spelar musik till Hälsingedanser track 8
Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 1 (a) 'Promenade': Couples, beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, run forward in LOD with 3 small steps (1). Both finish with inside (MR/WL) heel to floor, toes pointing up (2:1).
Beginning with inside (MR/WL) foot, M swings partner over to his L side (3), where he receives her in his L arm around her waist, 3 small running steps. Both finish with inside (ML/WR) heel to floor, toes pointing up (4:1).
Beginning with inside (ML/WR) foot, couples run forward in LOD with 3 small steps (5). Both finish with inside (MR/WL) heel to floor, toes pointing up (6:1).
Beginning with inside (MR/WL) foot, M swings partner over to his R side (7), where he receives her in his L arm around her waist, 3 small running steps. Both finish with outside (ML/WR) heel to floor, toes pointing up (8:1).
9-16   (b) Fryksdalssteg: [Beginning with outside (MR/WL) foot,] couples dance 2 fryksdalssteg forward in LOD (9-10), followed by M swinging partner over to his R side [ie repeat of bars 3-4] (11-12).
Repeat (b) with opposite footwork, swinging partner back to M's R side (15-16).
17-32   (c) Gammalvals: Couples take gammalvals hold (M has R arm around W's waist, W places R hand on M's upturned L hand and her L hand on M's upper arm. Hands at shoulder height, bent and somewhat stretched out) and dance turning gammalvals [moving in LOD]]..
1-8 2 (a) 'Promenade': In 'reverse' varsovienne hold - M in front and to L, W behind and to R, holding L-in-L and R-in-R at shoulder height - repeat (1 (a)), with partners changing sides sideways, without dropping hold.
9-16   (b) Fryksdalssteg: In 'reverse' varsovienne hold, repeat (1 (b)), sideways as in (2 (a)).
17-32   (c) Gammalvals: Repeat (1 (c)).
1-8 3 (a) 'Promenade': In double circle, M facing out and W facing into centre of circle3, [beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot], couples dance 3 sidesteps in LOD (1), then pause with a light stamp (2). Repeat in RLOD with opposite footwork (3-4).
Repeat (3 5-8).a)) (
9-16   (b) Polska: Couples take polska hold and dance turning polska without promenade steps [moving in LOD].
17-32   (c) Gammalvals: Repeat (1 (c)).

See video from/with Kvarnakullen.

Provenance: Sequences 1 and 2 based on informant Olof ('Hälls-Olle) Andersson, Arbrå. Documented by Ingvar Norman, Säter, 1960-1962. Sequence 3 - 'pariserpolka' - based on informants Mårten and Marta Andersson, and Olof and Lisa Andersson, Arbrå. Documented by Johan Larsson, Gagnef, and Ingvar Norman, Säter, 1965.

Source: Svenska Undomsringen för Bygdekultur/ Svenska folkdanser del II. 1971 års uppl. [Stockholm]: Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur, 1971. pp. 91-92.
See also:
-- Danser från Hälsingland. s.l.: Hälsinglands Distrikt av Svenska Ungdomsringen, 2002. pp 9-10 & 'Låtar 8 [p.49].
-- Acla Varsovienne från Arbrå.

Provenance: Seemingly unrelated to the Baroque dance of the 1600-1700s, of the same name, described in Feuillet notation in the 1704 Recueil de dances contenant un tres grand nombres, des meilleurs entrées de ballet de Mr Pécour, ... [pp.10-19, 176-194].
The earliest published music appears to be in: Dannström, Isidore/ Theorie Complete De La Mazurka with sheet music for La Varsovienne and La Suédoise. (Mazurkas favorites, no. 2) Paris: Heugel, 1844. The earliest description, a quadrille dance, appears to be in: Laborde, Corralli, E. Coulon (dance), Jullien (music)/ (c. 1845). The Celebrated Mazurka and the Cellarius Waltz accompanying sheet music for The Original Mazurka. London: Jullien, [ca 1845]. The varsovienne as a couple dance is discussed in: Eugène Coulon/ The Warsaw Varsoviana. London: Louis Antoine Jullien,(c. 1855).
According to Böhme, "'Varsovienne' or 'Warschauer Tanz' (dance from Warsaw), a variant of masurka, also played in slow 3/4-time, was very popular in Germany around 1850-1870." Nordstedts uppslagsbok 1948 ed,. defines it as "a mazurka-like couple dance in 3/4 time, modern in France during the Second French Empire [Napoleon III, 1852-1870] [and] in Sweden during the 1860s. Appears as a 'new' couple dance in Russia in 1897.
In the Nordic countries, it ccurs in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden as well as the Faroe Islands and Iceland.
See also:
-- Sjöberg, Henry/ Folklig dans 3: 1800-talets pardanser. 6:e uppl. s.l.: [Brevskolan], 1974. p.52.
-- Böhme, Franz Magnus/ Geschichte des Tanzes in Deutschland. Beitrag zur deutschen Sitten-, Litteratur- und Musikgeschichte : nach den Quellen zum Erstenmal bearbeitet und mit alten Tanzliedern und Musikproben. Teil 1. Leipzig: Druck und Verlag von Breitkopf & Härtel, 1886. p.223. .
-- Vogt, Margrit/ nr 18 'Warschauer (Varsovienne)' in: Alte niederdeutsche Volkstänze. (Beiträge zur Volkskultur in Nordwestdeutschland, herausgegeben von der Volkskundlichen Kommission für Westfalen, Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe, Heft 53) Münster: F.Coppenrath Verlag, 1986. pp. 59-59, 151.
-- 'Varsovienne' in: Nordstedts uppslagsbok 1948 ed. p. 1908
-- Wikipedia
Description: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2022-08-16, rev. 2023-08-19.

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