Pater Michel, Korpo

Country: Korppoo/Korpo, Åboland, Finland
Type: progressive longways set dance
Formation: longways set of couples, in two lines, M to L and W to R as seen from the music. Couples are numbered 1 to 'n' from the music (top of the set).
Steps: hoppsteg (step-hops), gångsteg (walk)
Sheet music: Heikel, Yngvar/ Nr. 44 in: Folkdans: B. dansbeskrivningar sammanställda av Yngvar Heikel. (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 268; Finlands Svenska folkdiktning, VI) Faksimilutgåva 1982. Helsingfors: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 1938. p.309.
A variant of the same tune as Feder Mikkel.
Recordings: [see Feder Mikkel]

Bars Part Dance progression:
1-8 (a) Advance & retire: Holding hands in the lines, both lines advance, with walking steps (1-2). Retire ditto (3-4).
Repeat (a) (5-8).
1-8 (b) Lines circle out: Still holding hands in the lines, M1 turns CW (over his R shoulder) and pulling the line of men outside the set towards the bottom of the set, turns CW again and pulls the line of M back to the top of the set.
Meanwhile, W1 turns CCW (over her L shoulder), pulling the line of women to the bottom of the set and back up to the top. 16 step-hops.
All finish in original places facing partner across the set.
|:9-16:| (c) Figuré: M1 and W1 dance figuré steps towards partner, then to a person in the opposite line of their choosing, and finally again to partner. [Number and type of figuré steps is not specified.]
Figuré steps that can be danced to 2/4-time music might include individual steps such as balancé, hapanmykky, heel-toe steps, heel steps, jig steps, kick steps, toe-heel steps or vindeliska steps. Alternatively, use couple dance steps such as allemande, buzz steps, change steps, polka steps, slip steps or pivot steps.
[While not explicitly specified, the translator suggests couple 1 proceeds to bottom of set during repeat of bars 13-16.]
    Repeat from (a), with couple 2 dancing part (c), then couple 3 etc [until all couples have danced (a) through (c)].

Provenance: First mentioned in Korpo about 1848, but by 1878 was no longer danced. Documented by J.W. Fagerlund in 1878. Occurs in Denmark, 'Feder Mikkel', as a couple dance and as a set dance. Also occurs in Germany as 'Vedder Michel' or 'Vetter Michel'.

Source: Heikel, Yngvar/ Nr. 503 in: Folkdans: B. dansbeskrivningar sammanställda av Yngvar Heikel. (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 268; Finlands Svenska folkdiktning, VI) Faksimilutgåva 1982. Helsingfors: Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland, 1938. pp.309, 439.
See also:
-- Fagerlund, L.W./ Anteckningar om Korpo och Houtskärs socknar, sommarstudier. (F.V.S. bidrag, nr 15 and/or 28) Helsingfors: s.n., 1878. pp. 219-220.
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2023-03-20.

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