Wienerkryss frå Hardanger
Formation: any number of couples in open circle, R-in-R (or L-in-L) hold [or holding inside hands], facing LOD. Steps: bytomfotsteg nr. II (change-step with pronounced lift) [or hamborgar], gåsteg (walk) Sheet music: Recordings: Aage Grundstad Ensemble Norske tur- og folkedansar 4 track 17 [YouTube]; Bjørneboe, Einar Einar Bjørneboe spiller i korrekt dansetempo 5 - ældre selskabsdanse track B1; Bror Kalles Kapel [Internet Archive]; Gunnar Hahns Folkdance Ensemble 'kryss polka' Skandia (1997) track 11; Gunnar Hahns Folkdance Ensemble 'kryss polka' Skandia (1989) track 10; |
Bars | Part | Dance progression |
1 | (a) | Promenade: Beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, dance 1 bytomfotsteg forward in LOD. |
2 | Couple dances 2 walking steps with pronounced lift moving in LOD (stepping on 2:1 and 2:3).
Do not collect the feet completely, but shorten the second walking step so as not to progress too far forward. The walking steps should have a lot of 'svikt'/lift, some tension, and the torso should be tending backwards. On lift on the last beat, partners turn towards towards each other [to face RLOD]. |
3-4 | Change to 'new' inside hands, and repeat above with opposite footwork, moving in RLOD. Use the first 2 steps to get into position with partner, while moving forwards [in RLOD]. | |
5-8 | (b) | Couple turn: Take Norwegian waltz hold with partner [ML/WR hand palm down, W hand underneath, M hand on top with fingers curled aeound outside of WR hand], and dance four bytomfotsteg, turning CW or CCW and moving in LOD. |
Repeat from (a) as desired.
See video from/with Folkedanselaget Springar'n 2020 Source: Bakka, Egil/ Danse, danse, lett ut på foten. Oslo: Noregs Boklag, 1979. p. 80.
Wienerkryss frå Landvik, Aust-Agder
Formation: any number of couples in open circle, Norwegian waltz hold with partner [ML/WR hand palm down, W hand underneath, M hand on top with fingers curled aeound outside of WR hand]. Steps: bytomfotsteg nr. II (change-step with pronounced lift), gåsteg (walk) Sheet music: Bakka, Egil/ Danse, danse lett ut på foten. Oslo: Noregs Boklag, 1979. p.195. Recordings: |
Bars | Part | Dance progression |
1-12 | (a) | Hamborgar: Take Norwegian waltz hold with partner [see above], and dance bytomfotsteg, eg. 8 bytomfotsteg turning CW followed by
4 turning CCW [while moving in LOD].
Followed by 8 bytomfotsteg turning CCW followed by 4 turning CW. Finish in an even circle, in line with couples in front. Note, only danced at beginning of the dance. |
13 | (b) | Promenade: Couples take R-in-R handhold (or L-in-L) [sic], facing in LOD. [Beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot] dance 1 bytomfotsteg forward [in LOD]. On the last step (13:2), stretch inside (MR/WL) foot forward. |
14 | (c) | Couples pause on outside (ML/WR) foot while touching inside (MR/WL) foot to it, with a dip and a lift. Stretch inside (MR/WL) foot forward again, with lift and dip, touching inside (MR/WL) foot to outside foot. Lift again, turning towards partner [to face in RLOD], moving free foot forward ready for next step. |
15 | (d) | Change handhold [sic] and dance 1 bytomfotsteg forward in RLOD, using 1st step to finish turn to face RLOD. |
16 | Repeat (c). | |
17-20 | Hamborgar: Take Norwegian waltz hold [see above], and dance 4 bytomfotsteg turning CW [while moving in LOD]. | |
21-28, 29-36 | Repeat twice from (b).
[Repeat from (b) as desired.] Provenance: This variant of the dance is found only in Landvik. It was described based on a 1967 video recording with Sofie and Olav Sankleiva and Gustav Landvik, in Landvik in Aust-Agder. Music transcribed by Sven Nyhus based on a 1967 audio recording of Sofie Sankleiva and Gustav Landvik. Source: Bakka, Egil/ Danse, danse, lett ut på foten. Oslo: Noregs Boklag, 1979. pp. 80, 195.
Wienerkryss frå Vest-Agder
Formation: any number of couples in open circle, waltz hold with partner. facing LOD. Steps: bytomfotsteg frå trippar med stogg (change-step with 3 lifts finishing with a touch), trippar aka hamborgar Sheet music: Bakka, Egil, Brit Seland & Dag Vårdal/ 'Kaffi e godt for gikta' after Tobias Soteland in: Dansetradisjonar frå Vest-Agder. s.l.: Vest-Agder Ungdomslag, Rådet for folkemusik og folkedans (Rff), 1990. p.172. Recordings: |
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
1-2 | (a) | Promenade: In waltz hold with partner, beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, dance 1 change step sideways in LOD and touch inside (MR/WL) foot (either the whole foot or just the heel) crossed in front of outside foot, while lifting twice on outside foot. |
3-4 | Beginning with inside (MR/WL) foot, and dropping hold with MR/WL hands, dance 1 change step sideways in RLOD and touch outside (ML/WR) foot (either the whole foot or just the heel) crossed in front of inside foot, while lifting twice on inside foot. | |
5-8 | (b) | Trippar: In waltz hold with partner, [beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, dance 4 change steps, turning twice CW, moving in LOD. |
9-16 | [Repeat from (a) as desired.]
Provenance: The dance is only known from Greipstad and Holum in Vest-Agder, but has been dance widely around the country. This description is based on a film recorded with Kristine Kielland, Greipstad, in 1980. Source: Bakka, Egil, Brit Seland & Dag Vårdal/ Dansetradisjonar frå Vest-Agder. On Agder, this dance type is only danced to this one tune. [Bakka, p.173] s.l.: Vest-Agder Ungdomslag, Rådet for folkemusik og folkedans (Rff), 1990. pp. 172-173. |
Provenance: According to Gammaldans i Norden, related dances are also known in
Denmark as rheinlænder polka or
in Finland as Kreuzpolka, 'Kymmenen kynttä', 'Ruotsinpolkka'
and 'kuppari', on the Faroe Islands as 'Wienarkreutz', in Iceland as 'Vienarkrus',
in Norway as Wienerkryss, 'Vininkreds' and 'Viniknes',
and in Sweden as Wienerkreuzerpolka,
'Fröken Chick' and 'Krysspolka'.
[See: Urup, Henning, Henry Sjöberg, Egil Bakka (eds.)/ Gammaldans i Norden. Rapport frå forskningsprosjektet.
Komparativ analyse av ein folkeleg dansegenre i utvalde nordiske lokalsamfunn. Oslo: Nordisk forening for folkedansforskning, 1988. pp. 262-263.]
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville 2012-11-14, rev. 2023-07-20.
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