Wienerkreuzerpolka I
Formation: any number of couples in open circle, holding inside hands, facing LOD. Steps: druffsteg (similar to polka, longer steps), häl och tå (heel-toe), polka Sheet music: (1) Svenska Undomsringen för Bygdekultur/ 'Vienerkreuzerpolka I' Musik till gillesdanser i Norden - fiol. [Stockholm: Svenska Undomsringen för Bygdekultur], [1970]. p.19. (2) Folkwiki Vienerkreuzerpolka I Recordings: Johansson, Allan Vid Hällungens strand (2017 Liphone Records) [YouTube]; Bjørneboe, Einar Einar Bjørneboe spiller i korrekt dansetempo 5 - ældre selskabsdanse track B1; Bror Kalles Kapel [Internet Archive]; Gunnar Hahns Folkdance Ensemble 'kryss polka' Skandia (1997) track 11; Gunnar Hahns Folkdance Ensemble 'kryss polka' Skandia (1989) track 10. |
Bars | Part | Dance progression |
1-2 | (a) | Promenade: Beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot dance 1 druffsteg forward in LOD (1), followed by a heel-toe step with inside (MR/WL) foot (2). |
3-4 | [Turn toward partner to face RLOD] Change to 'new' inside (ML/WR) hands, and repeat (a) with opposite footwork, moving in RLOD. | |
5-8 | (b) | Polka: Take waltz hold with partner, and dance polka, turning CW and moving in LOD.
[Repeat from (a) as desired.] See video from/with GRF 2010 Source: Svenska Undomsringen för Bygdekultur/ Beskrivning av gillesdanser i Norden.
[Stockholm]: Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur, 1970. pp. 58-59.
Wienerkreuzerpolka II
Formation: any number of couples in open circle, waltz hold with partner Steps: druffsteg (similar to polka, longer steps), hoppsteg (hop), polka Sheet music: (1) Svenska Undomsringen för Bygdekultur/ 'Vienerkreuzerpolka I' Musik till gillesdanser i Norden - fiol. [Stockholm: Svenska Undomsringen för Bygdekultur], [1970]. p.19. (2) Folkwiki Vienerkreuzerpolka II Recordings: |
Bars | Part | Dance progression |
1-2 | (a) | Promenade: Beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot dance 1 druffsteg forward in LOD (1)
Couples hop twice on outside (ML/WR) foot, while swinging inside (MR/WL) foot forward, and clapping hands twice (2). |
3-4 | [Turn toward partner to face RLOD] Change to 'new' inside (ML/WR) hands, and repeat (a) with opposite footwork, moving in RLOD. | |
5-8 | (b) | Polka: Take waltz hold with partner, and dance polka, turning CW and moving in LOD.
[Repeat from (a) as desired.] Source: Svenska Undomsringen för Bygdekultur/ Beskrivning av gillesdanser i Norden.
[Stockholm]: Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur, 1970. p.59.
Fröken Chick
Formation: any number of couples in open circle, holding inside (MR/WL) hands with partner Steps: polka, step-point (touch free foot forward, touch ball of foot to floor, repeat) Sheet music: Folkwiki polkett efter Viksta-Lasse. (Fröken chick) Recordings: |
Bars | Part | Dance progression |
1-4 | (a) | Promenade: Couples take waltz hold, dance 1 polka step in LOD (1), followed by 2 step-points (2).
Repeat in RLOD with opposite footwork (3-4). |
5-8 | In waltz hold, couples dance 4 polka steps, turning CW or CCW and moving in LOD. | |
1-8 | Repeat (a). | |
|:9-16:| | (b) | Polka: Take waltz hold with partner, and dance 8 polka steps, turning CCW and moving in LOD (9-16).
Ditto, turning CW, moving in LOD (9-16). Repeat from (a) as desired. See video from/with SUB Provenance: As interpreted by Olle Holgersson and Lars-Gunnar Uddén, Oskarshamn. Source: Acla portalen Fröken Chic |
Provenance: According to Gammaldans i Norden, related dances are also known in
Denmark as rheinlænder polka or
in Finland as Kreuzpolka, 'Kymmenen kynttä', 'Ruotsinpolkka'
and 'kuppari', on the Faroe Islands as 'Wienarkreutz', in Iceland as 'Vienarkrus',
in Norway as Wienerkryss, 'Vininkreds' and 'Viniknes',
and in Sweden as Wienerkreuzerpolka,
'Fröken Chick' and 'Krysspolka'.
[See: Urup, Henning, Henry Sjöberg, Egil Bakka (eds.)/ Gammaldans i Norden. Rapport frå forskningsprosjektet.
Komparativ analyse av ein folkeleg dansegenre i utvalde nordiske lokalsamfunn. Oslo: Nordisk forening for folkedansforskning, 1988. pp. 262-263.]
Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville 2012-11-14, rev. 2023-07-06.
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