Nuuskapolkka aka Snuspolka

Country: Finland
Type: couple dance
Formation: open circle of couples, facing partner. M facing in LOD with arms folded on chest, W in RLOD holding skirt.
Steps: polkka
Sheet music:
(1) Hukkanen, Timo/ Tanhuvakan sävelmistö. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 2012. p.71.;
(2) Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko/ Tanhuvakan sävelmistö. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 1998. p.62.
(3) Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur Musik till gillesdanser i Norden: fiol. Stockholm: Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur, 1970. p. 33.
[The tune is also known as pidätyspolkka in Finland. Variants of the tune occur for the following dances Stop, Denmark], Stopp & Djävlar anamma stopp, Ahvenanmaa/Åland, Halihiljaa & Nuuskapolkka, Finland, Stoggen & polkastoppen, Norway, and Stoppen, Sweden]
Recordings: Bauduin, Arthur 'Skåningen eller stoppen' [YouTube] Dyvik, Siri et al. 'stoggen frå Hordaland' Norske turdansar 3 - turdansar frå Vestlandet track 21 [YouTube]; Gjesdalringen 'snuspolka' Traditional music from Norway [YouTube]; Holstebro Folkedanserforening 'stop, Ulfborg' Folkedans med Arne Bech track 04. Kansantanhuyhtye 'nuuskapolkka' Suomalaisia tanhuja (1957 PSO) track A8 [YouTube]; Komulainen, Jari, Panu Helke et al 'nuuskapolska' Halihiljaa track 32; Komulainen, Jari, Panu Helke et al 'nuuskapolska' Halihiljaa (SKY-03) track 05; Myklebust, Rolf 'stoggen' TurdanseEnsemblet track B3; Pömpeli Pömpeli pöm cd 01 (1998); Pömpeli 'Pidätys polkka' Hilapiäles track 02; Rytmi-kvintetti (Saaren yhtye) 'pidätyspolkka' Suomen Nuorison Liitto (SNL41) track A2; Vårdal, Vegar et al. 'polkastoppen frå Østfold' Norske turdansar 4 - turdansar frå Austlandet 2 track 08 [YouTube]; Yli-Rahnaston pelimannit 'pidätyspolkka' (2021) [YouTube]; Aage Grundstads Ensemble 'stoggen (snuspolka)' Norske tur og folkedanser 2 track 15 [YouTube]; for Nordlek 2024

Bars Part Dance progression
1-8 1 (a) Ajo (polkka): W begins with R polkka step and dances, turning CW, in LOD, 8 polkka steps. M chases, beginning with L polkka step but not turning, ie dancing the polkka steps straight ahead following partner. 8 polkka steps.
9-10   (b) Tervetihminen (hand shakes): M and W facing. Both bend knees slightly, simultaneously clapping own knees (9:1), straighten up and clap own hands (9:3), and shake R hands with a curtsey/bow (10).
11-12   Repeat (1 b), but shaking hands with L hand.
13-14   Repeat (1 b), shaking hands with R hand (14:1) and L hand (14:3).
15-16   Repeat (1 b), shaking hands with R hand (16).
1-8 2 (a) Ajo (polkka): Repeat (1 a).
9-16   (b) Halaaminen (hugs): Repeat all of (1 b), this time substituting a hug for the handshake. For the hug, M and W lean towards each other, place R hand on partner's L shoulder and L hand on partner's waist. For second hug, place L hand on partner's R shoulder and R hand on partner's waist. Repeat as in (1 b).
1-8 3 (a) Ajo (polkka): Repeat (1 a).
9-16   (b) Nuskaaminen (snuff): Repeat (1 b), this time pretending to inhale snuff from back of R hand while turning away from partner (M turning into centre of circle, W turning out of circle), then back of L hand (with opposite turns), etc.
1-8 4 (a) Ajo (polkka): Repeat (1 a).
9-16   (b) Aivastaminen (sneeze): Repeat (1 b), this time sneezing violently but in time to the music. and turning away from partner as in (3 b).
1-8 5 (a) Ajo (polkka): Repeat (1 a).
9-16   (b) Korvapuusti (cuff on the ear): Repeat (1 b), this time W slapping M across the ear, first with R hand, then with L, etc. M turns away from each slap.
1-8 6 (a) Ajo (polkka): Repeat (1 a).
9-16   (b) Pitkä nenä (long nose): Repeat (1 b), this time M makes a 'long nose' with both hands, first to R and then to L, at partner who turns aside as in (3 a).
1-8 7 (a) Ajo (polkka): Repeat (1 a).
9-16   (b) Sovinto (reconcilliation): Repeat (1 b).
1-8   Varsouvienne hold, couple dances forwards, in LOD, 8 polkka steps.

See videos from/with Helsingin pitäjän tanhuujat ja spelarit 2016, Helsingin pitäjän tanhuujat ja spelarit 2015, Dansvilda 2015, Lovisa Folkdansare 1994 (at 30:35), Varpsjö By 2012, Romsdalsmuseets Leikarring 2014,

Provenance: First known to have been published by Helvi Jukarainen in Suomen nuorison leikejä in 1946. A similar dance was mentioned by Reinholm around the 1840s in Rama, Western Finland, under the name 'Heinolan polska' and in Punkalaidun under the name 'Pikku ryssä'. Occurs in Norway and Sweden as 'snuspolka'.
Source: Rausmaa, Esko/ Tanhuvakka: suomen perinnetanssit. 3rd ed. [Helsinki]: Suomalaisen Kansantanssin Ystävät ry, 2012. pp.51-52.
See also:
-- Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa & Esko/ Tanhuvakka: suuri suomalainen kansantanssikirja. Porvoo: Werner Söderström, 1977. pp. 91-92.
-- Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa 'Heinolan polska' in: Kansanmusiikki vol. 1981 issue 2.
-- Rausmaa, Pirkko-Liisa 'Heinolan polska' in: Tanhuviesti vol. 1982 issue 2.
-- Jukarainen, Helvi/ Suomen nuorison leikkejä. Porvoo: Werner Söderström oy, 1946.
-- Svenska Undomsringen för Bygdekultur/ Beskrivning av gillesdanser i Norden. [Stockholm]: Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur, 1970. pp. 82-84.
-- Folkdansaren,se Snuspolka.
-- Acla portalen Snuspolka.
-- Cordray, Alix Snuspolka. [in English]

Translation: Laine Ruus, Oakville, 2012-10-27, rev. 2023-06-23.

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