Country: Sweden
Type: couple dance
Sheet music:
(1) Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur/ Musik till svenska folkdanser. Del I.. 2:a uppl.
Stockholm: Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur, [1975]. p.66.
(2) Svenska Undomsringen för Bygdekultur/ Musik till gillesdanser i Norden - fiol.
[Stockholm: Svenska Undomsringen för Bygdekultur], 1970. p.16.
(3) 'after Karl Viktor Burman, Hundsjö' in: Martinsson, Bengt/ Danser från Norr-Västerbotten samt Finland. Luleå: Svenska Ungdomsringen
för Bygdekultur - Övre Norrlands Distrikt, feb. 1978. p.35.
(4) FolkWiki Skåningen eller stoppen, Skåne
(5) Gröna visboken. Stockholm: Bokförlaget Forum AB, 1970. pp. 77-78.
[variants of the tune occur for the following dances
Stop, Denmark,
Stopp & Djävlar anamma stopp, Åland,
Halihiljaa &
Nuuskapolkka, Finland,
Stoggen & polkastoppen, Norway, and
Skåningen & stoppen, Sweden]
Bauduin, Arthur 'Skåningen eller stoppen' [YouTube]
Dyvik, Siri et al. 'stoggen frå Hordaland' Norske turdansar 3 - turdansar frå Vestlandet track 21 [YouTube];
Gjesdalringen 'snuspolka' Traditional music from Norway [YouTube];
Holstebro Folkedanserforening 'stop, Ulfborg' Folkedans med Arne Bech track 04.
Kansantanhuyhtye 'nuuskapolkka' Suomalaisia tanhuja (1957 PSO) track A8 [YouTube];
Komulainen, Jari, Panu Helke et al 'nuuskapolska' Halihiljaa track 32;
Komulainen, Jari, Panu Helke et al 'nuuskapolska' Halihiljaa (SKY-03) track 05;
Myklebust, Rolf 'stoggen' TurdanseEnsemblet track B3;
Pömpeli Pömpeli pöm cd 01 (1998);
Pömpeli 'Pidätys polkka' Hilapiäles track 02;
Rytmi-kvintetti (Saaren yhtye) 'pidätyspolkka' Suomen Nuorison Liitto (SNL41) track A2;
Vårdal, Vegar et al. 'polkastoppen frå Østfold' Norske turdansar 4 - turdansar frå Austlandet 2 track 08
Yli-Rahnaston pelimannit 'pidätyspolkka' (2021) [YouTube];
Aage Grundstads Ensemble 'stoggen (snuspolka)' Norske tur og folkedanser 2 track 15 [YouTube];
for Nordlek 2024
Skåningen aka stoppen, Skåne
Formation: open circle of couples in double circle, mazurka hold (waltz hold, but ML/WR hands on ML hip), facing LOD. Steps: druffsteg (polka), markering (stamp/stomp), |
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
1-7 | (a) | Polka: Couples dance 7 turning polka steps, turning CW and moving in LOD.
Finish with M facing into circle. |
8 | M stamps with R foot, [W with L foot]. | |
9 | (b) | Polka & stamp: Beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, couples dance 1 druffsteg turning CCW, moving in RLOD. |
10 | M stamps with R foot, [W with L foot]. | |
11 | Beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, couples dance 1 druffsteg turning CW, moving in LOD. | |
12 | M stamps with R foot, [W with L foot]. | |
13-15 | Beginning with outside (ML/WR) foot, couples dance 3 druffsteg turning CCW, moving in RLOD.. | |
16 | M stamps with R foot, [W with L foot].
Repeat from (a) as desired. Lyrics:
See videos from/with Kvarnakullens 2017. Provenance: According to the Acla source, from the area around Kristianstad , Villands härad, Skåne. Documented by Mrs. L. Tiger
(née Wetter), Kristianstad.
Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur/
>Beskrivning av svenska folkdanser. Del I..
Stockholm: Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur, [1975]. pp. 100-101.
Stoppen, Jokkmokk
Formation: open circle of couples in double circle, waltz hold, facing LOD Steps: galopp (gallop), stamp (stamp/stomp), Sheet music: 'after Karl Viktor Burman, Hundsjö' in: Martinsson, Bengt/ Danser från Norr-Västerbotten samt Finland. Luleå: Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur - Övre Norrlands Distrikt, feb. 1978. p.35. |
Bars | Part | Dance progression: |
1-7 | (a) | Polka: Couples dance 7 turning polka steps, moving in LOD [turning CW]. |
8 | Couples leap onto both feet (8:1), and pause (8:2). M is now facing into circle. | |
1-8 | Couples dance 7 turning polka steps, turning CCW and moving in RLOD. Couples leap onto both feet (8:1), and pause (8:2). M is now facing out of circle. | |
9-10 | (b) | Polka side & turn: Couples dance 1 polka step (9) sideways towards ML [in LOD]. Leap onto both feet as above, and pause (10). |
11-12 | Couples dance 1 polka step (11) sideways [in RLOD]. Leap onto both feet as above, and pause (10). | |
13-16 | Couples dance 3 polka steps (13-15) turning and moving in LOD. Leap onto both feet as above, and pause (16). Finish with M facing into circle. | |
9-10 | Couples dance 1 polka step (9) sideways towards ML [in RLOD]. Leap onto both feet as above, and pause (10). | |
11-12 | Couples dance 1 polka step (11) sideways towards MR [in LOD]. Leap onto both feet as above, and pause (10). | |
13-16 | Couples dance 3 polka steps (13-15) turning CCW and moving in RLOD. Leap onto both
feet as above, and pause (16). Finish with M facing out of circle.
Repeat from (a) as desired. See videos from/with Gellmalaget 1984 (2 variants), Gellmalaget 1995, Gellmalaget 2007. Provenance: Common all over Norrbotten under names such as 'stopp', 'stoppen', 'faderallan-Stopp', etc. This description is from Jokkmokk, but it has been danced similarly all over Norbottens and Västerbottens län [counties]. In inland areas, it was often sung to, often to lyrics in local dialect. The tune is known in a number of variations. Source: Martinsson, Bengt/ Danser från Norr-Västerbotten samt Finland. Luleå: Svenska Ungdomsringen för Bygdekultur - Övre Norrlands Distrikt, feb. 1978. p.10. |
Provenance: The dance, and similar music, is also known to have occured as Stop in Denmark, Stopp on Åland and elsewhere in Finland, Stoggen & polkastoppen in Norway, Stoppen & 'Skåningen' in Sweden. According to Gammaldans i Norden, related dances are also known in Denmark as 'slibstensstykke', in Finland as 'piratyspolkka' [pidätyspolkka] and 'stopp-polka', and in Norway as 'stoggen' and 'Skåningen'. [Source: Urup, Henning, Henry Sjöberg, Egil Bakka (eds.)/ Gammaldans i Norden. Rapport frå forskningsprosjektet. Komparativ analyse av ein folkeleg dansegenre i utvalde nordiske lokalsamfunn. Oslo: Nordisk forening for folkedansforskning, 1988. p.263.]
Translation: L. Ruus, Oakville, 2023-05-18, rev. 2023-07-18.
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