Abridged curriculum vitae of:

Laine Gisela Margareta Ruus

<laine.ruus@utoronto.ca> or

Recent seminars, workshops, presentations Professional associations Professional activities Other professional activities Awards and honours Non-academic Activities Teaching experience Publications Education Employment Links
2015/12-2016/11 University of Edinburgh. EDINA & Data Library
Associate Data librarian
2014/08-2015/06 University of Edinburgh. EDINA & Data Library
Associate Data librarian
2014/02-2014/07 University of Edinburgh. EDINA & Data Library
Associate Data librarian
1988-2010 University of Toronto. Library. Data Library Service
130 St. George Street, Toronto, Ont. M5S 1A5
Data service librarian
2005/02-2005/03 Statistics Canada. Advisory Services. Central Region.
Arthur Meighen Building
25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto ON M4T 1M4
1972-1988 University of British Columbia. Library. Data Services
2075 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5
1972- Social science reference librarian
1974- Data librarian
1975- Head, Data Library
1982-1983 Svensk Nationell Datatjänst [formerly Svensk Samhällsvetenskaplig Datatjänst]
(Swedish Social Science Data Service)
Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg, Sweden
1970-1972 Wheatland Regional Library. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Branch co-ordinator/Assistant librarian
Teaching experience:
1997 University of Toronto. Faculty of Information Studies. Sessional lecturer (fall session)
LS2108F The Internet: issues and applications
Course documents: [introduction] [outline] handouts: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
1997 University of Toronto. Faculty of Information Studies. Sessional lecturer (spring session)
LS2108S The Internet: issues and applications
1996 University of Toronto. Faculty of Information Studies. Sessional lecturer (summer session)
LS2108S The Internet: issues and applications
1995 University of Toronto. Faculty of Information Studies. Sessional lecturer (fall session)
LS2108F The Internet: issues and applications
1995 University of Toronto. Faculty of Information Studies. Sessional lecturer (spring session)
LS2108S The Internet: issues and applications
1994 University of Toronto. Faculty of Information Studies. Sessional lecturer (fall session)
LS2108F The Internet: issues and applications
1990 University of Toronto. Faculty of Information Studies. Sessional lecturer (summer session)
LS2102 Management of computer-readable data
1988 University of British Columbia. Sessional lecturer (summer session)
LS651 Advanced seminar: machine-readable data bases.
1985 University of British Columbia. Sessional lecturer - 3-credit hours (1 semester)
LS651 Advanced seminar: machine-readable data bases.
1983 University of British Columbia. Sessional lecturer (summer session)
LS602 Management of computer-readable data.
Formal Education:
2006 University of Toronto. School of Graduate Studies
M.A. Sociology
1964-1970 University of British Columbia
B.A. - anthropology (1968), B.L.S. (1970)
Miscellaneous training:
1976/July University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) summer program.
1974/July University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) data library workshop.
1973- University of British Columbia
Audited courses in quantitative methods and statistical analysis techniques as applied in political science,
commerce, education, and non-credit Computing Centre courses including introduction to statistical packages
such as SPSS, MIDAS, SAS, etc.
Professional activities:
1997-2010 Data Liberation Initiative
official contact for the University of Toronto
1988-2010 Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
official representative of the University of Toronto.
1995-2010 OCUL/CREPUQ federated membership hub representative
1977-2010 The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut
1977-1988 official representative of the University of British Columbia
1988- official representative of the University of Toronto
1991-1995 CARL/ABRC consortium for the 1991 Census of Canada
initiator and disseminating hub
1991-1995 CARL/ABRC consortium for the 1986 and 1991 Census of agriculture (Canada)
initiator and disseminating hub
1991-1995 CARL/ABRC consortium for the General social surveys, cycles 1-5
initiator and disseminating hub
1991-1995 CARL/ABRC consortium for the General social surveys, cycles 6-8
initiator and disseminating hub
1986-1991 CARL/ABRC consortium for the 1986 Census of Canada
initiator and disseminating hub
Professional association memberships:
1986-present CAPDU (Canadian Association of Public Data Users) founding member
1975-present IASSIST (International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology)
1976- Canadian coordinator of the Data Archive Development Action Group
1979- Education Committee co-chairman
1980- Data services: development and management interest group co-chairman
1985- Publication Committee chairman
1987 Annual conference - Local Arrangements Committee
1988-1992 Vice-president.
1992- Secretary
1999- Annual conference - Local Arrangements Committee
1979-1988 World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR)
Other professional activities:
1996 University of the West Indies, Mona. Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER). Derek Gordon Data Bank.
Short term contract to review data management and procedures.
1993-1996 Bureau of Canadian Archivists. Planning Committee on Descriptive Standards. Working Group on Electronic Records (RAD chapter 9 (Computer Files)). Chair.
1993-1995 University of Toronto. Advisory Forum on Information Technology.
1990-1996 Royal Society of Canada. Global Change Program. Data and Information Systems Panel. Co-Chair.
1990-1995 Statistics Canada Library Consultative Group
1979-1988 International Federation of Data Organizations (IFDO)
Representative for the U.B.C. Data Library
1975-1979 Data Clearing House for the Social Sciences in Canada (DCH)
Technical coordinator for the University of British Columbia
1974-1979 Canadian Consortium for Social Research (CCSR)(now defunct)
1974-1979 official representative, University of British Columbia
1975 chair of the annual meeting
1976-1978 member of the Executive Committee
1978-1979 chair of the Data Development Committee
Recent seminars, workshops, presentations:
2017-10-04 Evaluating statistics on the web: [ppt slides] a presentation for Toronto Public Library S. Walter Stewart Branch Library
2016-11-14 Data management with SPSS - a workshop: [slides], [handout], [data files] a workshop for University of Edinburgh Data Library
2016-08-02 SDA in the repository presentation at Repository Fringe 2016, Edinburgh
2016-05-25 Handling data with SPSS - a workshop: [slides], [handout], [data files] a workshop for University of Edinburgh Data Library
2010-04-27 SDA@CHASS in 2010 Presentation to DLI Atlantic, Wolfville, N.S.
2010-04-27 Merging census aggregate statistics with postal code-based microdata Presentation to DLI Atlantic, Wolfville, N.S.
2010-03-05 5 things you need to know about statistics and data Presentation to Memorial University of Newfoundland Libraries, St. John's, Nfld
2009/05/08 Demo of Nesstar on the <odesi> site. Comparative table of IDLS, Nesstar, and SDA capabilities Exercises with census of population microdata Presentation to Memorial University of Newfoundland Libraries, St. John's, Nfld
2009/05/08 SDA at the reference desk Exercises with census of population microdata Presentation to Memorial University of Newfoundland Libraries, St. John's, Nfld
2009/05/07 SDA: a tool for teaching and research with microdata, Exercises with census of population microdata Presentation to Memorial University of Newfoundland Libraries, St. John's, Nfld
2009/05/07 Reading tables 101, Reading tables 201: census of population Presentation to Memorial University of Newfoundland Libraries, St. John's, Nfld
2009/05/05 Reading tables 201: census of population Presentation to TRY Staff Conference, Toronto, Ont. University of Toronto, 2009-05-05
2009/03/13 From data to information: the role of data analysis in the creation of information [paper], [Powerpoint slides] Presentation to "Making of a reference librarian" symposium, Columbia University Libraries, March 2009.
2008/12/03 Chasing Chilliwack: recent historical Canadian census aggregate statistics Resources for historical census research Workshop for ACCOLEDS 2008, Calgary, Ab.
2008/12/03 SDA: a tool for teaching and research with microdata Workshop for ACCOLEDS 2008, Calgary, Ab.
2008/08/08 The future of social science and libraries Plenary presentation to IFLA Social Science Libraries Pre-Conference: Disappearing disciplinary borders in the social science library - global studies or sea change? Toronto, Ont.: University of Toronto. Faculty of Information. Aug. 6-7,2008
2008/05/05 <odesi> project? Microdata? Say what? [ppt] [handout] Presentation to UTL Staff Conference with Suzette Giles, Ryerson University Library. Toronto, Ont.: University of Toronto Libraries.
2007/05/17 SDA: a tool for teaching and research with microdata Poster session presented at IASSIST conference, Montréal PQ, May, 2007.
2007/02/02 Reading tables 101. Presentation to Ontario Library Association (OLA) super conference, Toronto, Ont.
2006/11/02 Canada-US comparative research: problems and opportunities. Presentation to the APPAM conference, Madison, Wisc.
2006/05/08 Numbers and pictures are information too: statistical and spatial literacy skills and the Information Literacy program. Presentation by Andrew Nicholson (University of Toronto, Mississauga) & Laine Ruus, UTL Staff Conference
2006/04/12 Canadian business patterns: product review. Presentation to DLI training (Ontario)
2006/02/03 NAICS? Yikes!. Jeff Moon (Queen's University) & Laine Ruus. Presentation to OLA Superconference, Toronto
2005/05/21 Coefficients of variation - estimating CVs from the 2001 census pumf using Nesstar. Training session for Statistics Canada Regional Office staff.
2005/03/29 Accessing Statistics Canada public use microdata files using a Nesstar server (based on 1996 census individual pumf). Training session for Statistics Canada Regional Office staff.
2005/05/09 New ways to look at Statistics Canada data: an introduction. Presentation to UT Libraries Staff Conference
2005/04/15 Data from different sources: coding, match-merging, levels of measurement, and other fun stuff: handout, table 11 [ csv, Excel format]. Presentation at CAPDU
2005/10/14 Technical services for DLI data: an overview. Presentation to UOIT
2004/12/20 Statistics bootcamp (based on 2001 census data): handout, Powerpoint presentation
Statistics bootcamp (based on 1996 census data): handout, Powerpoint presentation, exercise . Presentation to ACCOLEDS, Kelowna.
2004/05/30 Historical Canadian census aggregate statistics: a workshop: handout, exercise . Presentation by Laine Ruus and Chuck Humphrey (University of Alberta) at CAPDU
2004/04/05 Technical services for DLI data: an overview. Presentation to DLI (Ontario) orientation, Kingston Ont.
2003/06/21 Data services in Canada: what, when, why, and who: Powerpoint slides, handout . Presentation to ACRL Sociology Librarians' Discussion Group, Toronto
2002/05/16 Data archiving in Canada: problems and prospects. Presentation to National Research Foundation, Pretoria, South Africa
2000/05/26 Sources of Canadian financial time-series data: Powerpoint slides, handout, exercise with CRSP . Presentation by Chuck Humphrey (University of Alberta) & Laine Ruus to CAPDU
2000/04/01 Data extractors and pass-through systems: handout and Powerpoint slides Presentation to DLI (Ontario) training
2000/03/30 Servicing Beyond 20/20 files via the WWW: handout and Powerpoint slides Presentation to DLI (Ontario) training
1999/03/02 LIS 2136: guest lecture
1999/01/22 Librarian, or museologist? Presentation to the OLITA sassion: Librarians and technology, OLA Superconference, Toronto
1998 Data Liberation Initiative
Participated in planning and presentation of 1.5-day workshop on data management in the context of the Data Liberation Initiative, Ottawa (workshop presentor)
1998/05/09 7th INORD Conference, Sudbury, Ont.
Presentation on: DLI: the future.
1998/05/08 Laurentian University. Library.
Half-day workshop entitled: Statistics vs data: when is it a data question?
1997 Data Liberation Initiative
Participated in planning and presentation of 4 2.5-day workshops on data management in the context of the Data Liberation Initiative in Saskatoon, Halifax (observer), Montreal (observer), Ottawa (workshop presentor)
1997 University of Toronto. Faculty of Information Studies. Continuing Education program.
Planned and presented one-day workshop on Internet training techniques.
1996/11/21-22 OCUL/CREPUQ Federation meeting: workshop on data downloading/transfer and verification with Suzette Giles, Ryerson Polytechnic University
1996 University of Toronto. Faculty of Information Studies. Continuing Education program.
Planned and presented one-day workshops on Internet basics and Internet training techniques.
1996 University of Toronto. Faculty of Information Studies. Continuing Education program.
Planned and presented one-day workshops on Internet basics and Internet training techniques.
1995 University of Toronto. Faculty of Information Studies. Continuing Education program.
Planned and presented one-day workshops on Internet basics and Internet training techniques.
1995 Archives Association of Ontario
Planned and presented one-day workshop on the Internet.
1995 University of Toronto. Faculty of Information Studies. Continuing Education program.
Planned and presented 4 one-day workshops on Internet basics and Intermediate Internet techniques.
1995 Ontario Library Association conference.
Planned and presented 2 half-day workshops on Internet basics.
1994 University of Toronto. Faculty of Information Studies. Continuing Education program.
Planned and presented 16 one-day workshops on Internet basics and Intermediate Internet techniques.
1994 North York Public Library
Planned and presented one-day workshop on Internet basics.
1993 University of Toronto. Faculty of Information Studies. Continuing Education program.
Planned and presented 15 one-day workshops on Internet basics and Intermediate Internet techniques.
1993 University of Toronto. Faculty of Information Studies. Continuing Education program.
Planned and presented one-day workshop on preservation of electronic media.
1991 Conference des recteurs et des principaux des universites du Quebec (CREPUQ)
Planned and presented two-day workshop on computer-readable data files.
1991 Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL)
Planned and presented workshop on planning data management facilities.
1997 Working with ICPSR's new distribution format./ Jacobs, Jim, Laine Ruus & Chuck Humphrey. Preconference workshop at the ICPSR meeting of Official Representatives in Ann Arbor, Mich, Oct. 23, 1997.

;Bibliographic citations for research data files. Data, information and global change series. Ottawa, Ont.: Royal Society of Canada,
1994 Data, information and global change: how long will your data last? Data, information and global change series: issue number 1. Ottawa, Ont.: Royal Society of Canada, 1994.
1994 Données et information sur les changements a l'échelle du globe: quelle sera la durée de vos données? Données et information sur les changements a l'échelle du globe, numero 1. Ottawa, Ont.: Societé royale du Canada, 1994.
1989 Census of population 1991 output products: a data archivist's point of view. pp. 41-48 in: Summary of the proceedings of the 1991 census of Canada output conference, Ottawa, September 11 and 12, 1989.
1982 Training of data services professionals: past, present, and future. Library trends 30(3):455-465.
1982 The University of British Columbia Data Library: an overview. Library trends 30(3):397-406.
1980 ABSM: a selected bibliography concerning the 'Abominable Snowman', the Yeti, the Sasquatch, and related hominidae. pp. 316-334 in: Manlike monsters on trial: early records and modern evidence. edited by Marjorie M. Halpin and Michael M. Ames. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1980.
1980 User services in a data library. IASSIST newsletter 4(2):29-33.
Awards and honours:
2011 ICPSR William H. Flanigan award
2010 IASSIST achievement award
Non-academic Activities:
2018-present Toronto SISUn tanhuujat, instructor
2017-present Toronto Danish Folk Dancers instructor
2013-2014 Toronto SISUn tanhuujat, instructor
2007-2011 Landsforeningen Danske Folkedansere instruktøruddanelsekurs diplom.
2004-2014 Toronto Danish Folk Dancers instructor
1993-2009 Toronto Free-Net Inc.
Co-founder, Secretary [1993-1998] and Member of the Board of Directors [1993-2009]
1973-1988 Scandinavian Dancers of Vancouver BC instructor
  Place of birth: Limhamn, Malmöhus Län, Sweden
Languages: Swedish, English, German, French
  My general links,
Mina svenska länkar
Scandinavian folkdance links, my translations/descriptions

Rev. 2019-07-12